Be sure to adjust your time frame when ordering to receive an accurate rental price!
Prices are as follows:
30 Minutes – $200
1 Hour – $300
2 Hours -$425
3 Hours or more -$100 per additional hour
Do you want to have a pool party without the pool and dive into millions of tiny bubbles! With our Foam Party Rental, we'll show up with our GIANT FOAM CANNON and fill your event area with up to 6 feet of clean, hypoallergenic foam and fun! We also bring music, games and all the foam fun you can imagine.Foam Party Rentals In Greer
Bubble Truck Foam Party (30 mins=$400, 1 hr=$500, 2 hr=$650) Bubble+Truck+Foam+Party+%2830+mins%3D%24400%2C+1+hr%3D%24500%2C+2+hr%3D%24650%29 2405257 Limited Dropdown 1 from $500.00